This post is on creating custom animation in Android RecyclerView.
It is recommended that you go through the earlier post on RecyclerView.
To implement custom animation you can derive from RecyclerView.ItemAnimator or SimpleItemAnimator, which is derived from RecyclerView.ItemAnimator.
This post is based on the assumption that you are deriving your class from SimpleItemAnimator.
It is recommended that you go through the earlier post on RecyclerView.
To implement custom animation you can derive from RecyclerView.ItemAnimator or SimpleItemAnimator, which is derived from RecyclerView.ItemAnimator.
This post is based on the assumption that you are deriving your class from SimpleItemAnimator.
Types of animation in RecyclerView
Lets see the basic types of animation supported in a RecyclerView
- Add animation : This is performed when adding a new element to the recycler view
- Remove animation : This is performed when removing an element from the recycler view
- Change animation : This is performed when an element is changed in the RecyclerView
- Move animation : This is performed when element(s) are required to move to as a consequence of add or remove operation.
Implementing animations
For all the method you can return false to not to have animation.
Add Animation
Method animateAdd will be called when a new element is added , the prototype of the method is shown below,
public boolean animateAdd(final ViewHolder holder);
In this method you should,
- stop any previously running animation for this view
- register the view for add animation, do not start with the animation here, a different method will be called for that purpose. There is no method to register for animation, you can probably keep the view in a array.
Remove Animation
Method animateRemove will be called when an element is removed, the prototype of the method is shown below,
public boolean animateRemove(final ViewHolder holder)
The step you take when this method is called is very similar to that of animateAdd
In this method you should,
- stop any previously running animation for this view
- register the view for remove animation, do not start with the animation here. A different method will be called for that purpose.
Change Animation
animateChange will be called to start the animations for changing an element. The prototype of the method is shown below,
public boolean animateChange(ViewHolder oldHolder, ViewHolder newHolder, int fromX, int fromY, int toX, int toY)
In this method you should,
- stop any previously running animation for this view
- register the views for change animation, do not start with the animation here. A different method will be called for that purpose.
Move animation
animateMove is called when elements are required to move to accommodate a new element or to fill a vacant spot when an element is removed.
The prototype of the method is shown below,
The prototype of the method is shown below,
public boolean animateMove(final ViewHolder holder, int fromX, int fromY, int toX, int toY)
In this method you should,
- stop any previously running animation for this view
- register the views for move animation, do not start with the animation here. A different method will be called for that purpose.
Running the animation
runPendingAnimations method will be called to start the animations for the views for which one of the animateXXX method is called.
In this method run the animation in the following order,
- Remove animations
- Move animations once the remove animation is complete. Use getRemoveDuration to get the duration of remove animation. Use ViewCompat.postOnAnimationDelayed to run an animation after a specified delay.
- Change animations once remove animations and move animations are complete. Use getMoveDuration to get the duration of move animations.
- Add animations once remove animations, move animations and change animations are complete. Use getChangeDuration to get the duration of change animations.
Please remember to call the corresponding dispatch method. For example dispatchAddStarting when add animation is starting, dispatchAddFinished when add animation is finished. There is dispatch method for each type of animations.
These method will be calling RecyclerView.dispatchAnimationStarted and RecyclerView.dispatchAnimationsFinished eventually.
End calls to stop the animation
endAnimation will be called to stop animation on a specified view.
endAnimations will be called to stop all the running animations.
You would need to keep track of running animations. Method isRunning will be called to check whether animations are running or not.
Thats it, now you can start implementing your own animation for RecyclerView!
As you can see, creating a custom animation is not a very simple process.
The easy way
Let me share with you an easy way to implement custom animation. By default RecyclerView has DefaultItemAnimator set as the animator.
To add your own animation you can take the code of DefaultItemAnimator and modify it according to your need.
Source for DefaultItemAnimator can be found at
You would want to modify method animateRemoveImpl, animateMoveImpl, animateChangeImpl or animateAddImpl to add your custom animation for remove, move, change and add operations respectively.
I have modified the file to support my own animation. My animations are,
- Scale to right side when element is removed
- Scale from left side when a new element is added
- Do animation 1 and 2 in that order when element is changed.
I have kept the same implementation for the move animation.
Modified file is pasted below for your reference, I have highlighted the modified part.
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.example.recycleviewexample; import; import; import; import; import; import android.util.Log; import android.view.View; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class ScaleInItemAnimator extends SimpleItemAnimator { private ArrayList<ViewHolder> mPendingRemovals = new ArrayList<ViewHolder>(); private ArrayList<ViewHolder> mPendingAdditions = new ArrayList<ViewHolder>(); private ArrayList<MoveInfo> mPendingMoves = new ArrayList<MoveInfo>(); private ArrayList<ChangeInfo> mPendingChanges = new ArrayList<ChangeInfo>(); private ArrayList<ArrayList<ViewHolder>> mAdditionsList = new ArrayList<ArrayList<ViewHolder>>(); private ArrayList<ArrayList<MoveInfo>> mMovesList = new ArrayList<ArrayList<MoveInfo>>(); private ArrayList<ArrayList<ChangeInfo>> mChangesList = new ArrayList<ArrayList<ChangeInfo>>(); private ArrayList<ViewHolder> mAddAnimations = new ArrayList<ViewHolder>(); private ArrayList<ViewHolder> mMoveAnimations = new ArrayList<ViewHolder>(); private ArrayList<ViewHolder> mRemoveAnimations = new ArrayList<ViewHolder>(); private ArrayList<ViewHolder> mChangeAnimations = new ArrayList<ViewHolder>(); private static class MoveInfo { public ViewHolder holder; public int fromX, fromY, toX, toY; private MoveInfo(ViewHolder holder, int fromX, int fromY, int toX, int toY) { this.holder = holder; this.fromX = fromX; this.fromY = fromY; this.toX = toX; this.toY = toY; } } private static class ChangeInfo { public ViewHolder oldHolder, newHolder; public int fromX, fromY, toX, toY; private ChangeInfo(ViewHolder oldHolder, ViewHolder newHolder) { this.oldHolder = oldHolder; this.newHolder = newHolder; } private ChangeInfo(ViewHolder oldHolder, ViewHolder newHolder, int fromX, int fromY, int toX, int toY) { this(oldHolder, newHolder); this.fromX = fromX; this.fromY = fromY; this.toX = toX; this.toY = toY; } } @Override public void runPendingAnimations() { boolean removalsPending = !mPendingRemovals.isEmpty(); boolean movesPending = !mPendingMoves.isEmpty(); boolean changesPending = !mPendingChanges.isEmpty(); boolean additionsPending = !mPendingAdditions.isEmpty(); if (!removalsPending && !movesPending && !additionsPending && !changesPending) { // nothing to animate return; } // First, remove stuff for (ViewHolder holder : mPendingRemovals) { animateRemoveImpl(holder); } mPendingRemovals.clear(); // Next, move stuff if (movesPending) { final ArrayList<MoveInfo> moves = new ArrayList<MoveInfo>(); moves.addAll(mPendingMoves); mMovesList.add(moves); mPendingMoves.clear(); Runnable mover = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (MoveInfo moveInfo : moves) { animateMoveImpl(moveInfo.holder, moveInfo.fromX, moveInfo.fromY, moveInfo.toX, moveInfo.toY); } moves.clear(); mMovesList.remove(moves); } }; if (removalsPending) { View view = moves.get(0).holder.itemView; ViewCompat.postOnAnimationDelayed(view, mover, getRemoveDuration()); } else {; } } // Next, change stuff, to run in parallel with move animations if (changesPending) { final ArrayList<ChangeInfo> changes = new ArrayList<ChangeInfo>(); changes.addAll(mPendingChanges); mChangesList.add(changes); mPendingChanges.clear(); Runnable changer = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (ChangeInfo change : changes) { animateChangeImpl(change); } changes.clear(); mChangesList.remove(changes); } }; if (removalsPending) { ViewHolder holder = changes.get(0).oldHolder; ViewCompat.postOnAnimationDelayed(holder.itemView, changer, getRemoveDuration()); } else {; } } // Next, add stuff if (additionsPending) { final ArrayList<ViewHolder> additions = new ArrayList<ViewHolder>(); additions.addAll(mPendingAdditions); mAdditionsList.add(additions); mPendingAdditions.clear(); Runnable adder = new Runnable() { public void run() { for (ViewHolder holder : additions) { animateAddImpl(holder); } additions.clear(); mAdditionsList.remove(additions); } }; if (removalsPending || movesPending || changesPending) { long removeDuration = removalsPending ? getRemoveDuration() : 0; long moveDuration = movesPending ? getMoveDuration() : 0; long changeDuration = changesPending ? getChangeDuration() : 0; long totalDelay = removeDuration + Math.max(moveDuration, changeDuration); View view = additions.get(0).itemView; ViewCompat.postOnAnimationDelayed(view, adder, totalDelay); } else {; } } } @Override public boolean animateRemove(final ViewHolder holder) { endAnimation(holder); mPendingRemovals.add(holder); return true; } private void animateRemoveImpl(final ViewHolder holder) { final View view = holder.itemView; // Set the pivot to width so that the element scale to the right // Also changed the animation to scaleX ViewCompat.setPivotX(view, view.getWidth()); final ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat animation = ViewCompat.animate(view); animation.setDuration(getRemoveDuration()) .scaleX(0).setListener(new VpaListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(View view) { dispatchRemoveStarting(holder); } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(View view) { animation.setListener(null); ViewCompat.setAlpha(view, 1); dispatchRemoveFinished(holder); mRemoveAnimations.remove(holder); dispatchFinishedWhenDone(); } }).start(); mRemoveAnimations.add(holder); } @Override public boolean animateAdd(final ViewHolder holder) { endAnimation(holder); ViewCompat.setAlpha(holder.itemView, 0); mPendingAdditions.add(holder); return true; } private void animateAddImpl(final ViewHolder holder) { final View view = holder.itemView; mAddAnimations.add(holder); // Set the pivot to width so that the element scale from left // Also changed the animation to scaleX ViewCompat.setPivotX(view, 0.0f); ViewCompat.setScaleX(view, 0.0f); ViewCompat.setAlpha(view, 1.0f); final ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat animation = ViewCompat.animate(view); animation.scaleX(1.0f).setDuration(getAddDuration()). setListener(new VpaListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(View view) { dispatchAddStarting(holder); } @Override public void onAnimationCancel(View view) { ViewCompat.setAlpha(view, 1); } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(View view) { animation.setListener(null); dispatchAddFinished(holder); mAddAnimations.remove(holder); dispatchFinishedWhenDone(); } }).start(); } @Override public boolean animateMove(final ViewHolder holder, int fromX, int fromY, int toX, int toY) { final View view = holder.itemView; fromX += ViewCompat.getTranslationX(holder.itemView); fromY += ViewCompat.getTranslationY(holder.itemView); endAnimation(holder); int deltaX = toX - fromX; int deltaY = toY - fromY; if (deltaX == 0 && deltaY == 0) { dispatchMoveFinished(holder); return false; } if (deltaX != 0) { ViewCompat.setTranslationX(view, -deltaX); } if (deltaY != 0) { ViewCompat.setTranslationY(view, -deltaY); } mPendingMoves.add(new MoveInfo(holder, fromX, fromY, toX, toY)); return true; } private void animateMoveImpl(final ViewHolder holder, int fromX, int fromY, int toX, int toY) { final View view = holder.itemView; final int deltaX = toX - fromX; final int deltaY = toY - fromY; if (deltaX != 0) { ViewCompat.animate(view).translationX(0); } if (deltaY != 0) { ViewCompat.animate(view).translationY(0); } // TODO: make EndActions end listeners instead, since end actions aren't called when // vpas are canceled (and can't end them. why?) // need listener functionality in VPACompat for this. Ick. mMoveAnimations.add(holder); final ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat animation = ViewCompat.animate(view); animation.setDuration(getMoveDuration()).setListener(new VpaListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(View view) { dispatchMoveStarting(holder); } @Override public void onAnimationCancel(View view) { if (deltaX != 0) { ViewCompat.setTranslationX(view, 0); } if (deltaY != 0) { ViewCompat.setTranslationY(view, 0); } } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(View view) { animation.setListener(null); dispatchMoveFinished(holder); mMoveAnimations.remove(holder); dispatchFinishedWhenDone(); } }).start(); } @Override public boolean animateChange(ViewHolder oldHolder, ViewHolder newHolder, int fromX, int fromY, int toX, int toY) { final float prevTranslationX = ViewCompat.getTranslationX(oldHolder.itemView); final float prevTranslationY = ViewCompat.getTranslationY(oldHolder.itemView); final float prevAlpha = ViewCompat.getAlpha(oldHolder.itemView); endAnimation(oldHolder); int deltaX = (int) (toX - fromX - prevTranslationX); int deltaY = (int) (toY - fromY - prevTranslationY); // recover prev translation state after ending animation ViewCompat.setTranslationX(oldHolder.itemView, prevTranslationX); ViewCompat.setTranslationY(oldHolder.itemView, prevTranslationY); ViewCompat.setAlpha(oldHolder.itemView, prevAlpha); if (newHolder != null && newHolder.itemView != null) { // carry over translation values endAnimation(newHolder); ViewCompat.setTranslationX(newHolder.itemView, -deltaX); ViewCompat.setTranslationY(newHolder.itemView, -deltaY); ViewCompat.setAlpha(newHolder.itemView, 0); } mPendingChanges.add(new ChangeInfo(oldHolder, newHolder, fromX, fromY, toX, toY)); return true; } private void animateChangeImpl(final ChangeInfo changeInfo) { final ViewHolder holder = changeInfo.oldHolder; final View view = holder == null ? null : holder.itemView; final ViewHolder newHolder = changeInfo.newHolder; final View newView = newHolder != null ? newHolder.itemView : null; if (view != null) { mChangeAnimations.add(changeInfo.oldHolder); final ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat oldViewAnim = ViewCompat.animate(view).setDuration( getChangeDuration()); oldViewAnim.translationX(changeInfo.toX - changeInfo.fromX); oldViewAnim.translationY(changeInfo.toY - changeInfo.fromY); // Same as remove animation ViewCompat.setPivotX(view, view.getWidth()); oldViewAnim.scaleX(0).setListener(new VpaListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(View view) { dispatchChangeStarting(changeInfo.oldHolder, true); } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(View view) { oldViewAnim.setListener(null); ViewCompat.setAlpha(view, 1); ViewCompat.setTranslationX(view, 0); ViewCompat.setTranslationY(view, 0); ViewCompat.setPivotX(view, 0); dispatchChangeFinished(changeInfo.oldHolder, true); mChangeAnimations.remove(changeInfo.oldHolder); dispatchFinishedWhenDone(); } }).start(); } if (newView != null) { mChangeAnimations.add(changeInfo.newHolder); final ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat newViewAnimation = ViewCompat.animate(newView); Log.d(Common.Tag, " Pivot : " + ViewCompat.getPivotX(view)); // Same as add animation ViewCompat.setPivotX(newView, 0.0f); ViewCompat.setScaleX(newView, 0.0f); newViewAnimation.translationX(0).translationY(0).scaleX(1.0f).setDuration(getChangeDuration()). alpha(1).setListener(new VpaListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationStart(View view) { dispatchChangeStarting(changeInfo.newHolder, false); } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(View view) { newViewAnimation.setListener(null); ViewCompat.setAlpha(newView, 1); ViewCompat.setTranslationX(newView, 0); ViewCompat.setTranslationY(newView, 0); dispatchChangeFinished(changeInfo.newHolder, false); mChangeAnimations.remove(changeInfo.newHolder); dispatchFinishedWhenDone(); } }).start(); } } private void endChangeAnimation(List<ChangeInfo> infoList, ViewHolder item) { for (int i = infoList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ChangeInfo changeInfo = infoList.get(i); if (endChangeAnimationIfNecessary(changeInfo, item)) { if (changeInfo.oldHolder == null && changeInfo.newHolder == null) { infoList.remove(changeInfo); } } } } private void endChangeAnimationIfNecessary(ChangeInfo changeInfo) { if (changeInfo.oldHolder != null) { endChangeAnimationIfNecessary(changeInfo, changeInfo.oldHolder); } if (changeInfo.newHolder != null) { endChangeAnimationIfNecessary(changeInfo, changeInfo.newHolder); } } private boolean endChangeAnimationIfNecessary(ChangeInfo changeInfo, ViewHolder item) { boolean oldItem = false; if (changeInfo.newHolder == item) { changeInfo.newHolder = null; } else if (changeInfo.oldHolder == item) { changeInfo.oldHolder = null; oldItem = true; } else { return false; } ViewCompat.setAlpha(item.itemView, 1); ViewCompat.setTranslationX(item.itemView, 0); ViewCompat.setTranslationY(item.itemView, 0); dispatchChangeFinished(item, oldItem); return true; } @Override public void endAnimation(ViewHolder item) { final View view = item.itemView; // this will trigger end callback which should set properties to their target values. ViewCompat.animate(view).cancel(); // TODO if some other animations are chained to end, how do we cancel them as well? for (int i = mPendingMoves.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { MoveInfo moveInfo = mPendingMoves.get(i); if (moveInfo.holder == item) { ViewCompat.setTranslationY(view, 0); ViewCompat.setTranslationX(view, 0); dispatchMoveFinished(item); mPendingMoves.remove(item); } } endChangeAnimation(mPendingChanges, item); if (mPendingRemovals.remove(item)) { ViewCompat.setAlpha(view, 1); dispatchRemoveFinished(item); } if (mPendingAdditions.remove(item)) { ViewCompat.setAlpha(view, 1); dispatchAddFinished(item); } for (int i = mChangesList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ArrayList<ChangeInfo> changes = mChangesList.get(i); endChangeAnimation(changes, item); if (changes.isEmpty()) { mChangesList.remove(changes); } } for (int i = mMovesList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ArrayList<MoveInfo> moves = mMovesList.get(i); for (int j = moves.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { MoveInfo moveInfo = moves.get(j); if (moveInfo.holder == item) { ViewCompat.setTranslationY(view, 0); ViewCompat.setTranslationX(view, 0); dispatchMoveFinished(item); moves.remove(j); if (moves.isEmpty()) { mMovesList.remove(moves); } break; } } } for (int i = mAdditionsList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ArrayList<ViewHolder> additions = mAdditionsList.get(i); if (additions.remove(item)) { ViewCompat.setAlpha(view, 1); dispatchAddFinished(item); if (additions.isEmpty()) { mAdditionsList.remove(additions); } } } dispatchFinishedWhenDone(); } @Override public boolean isRunning() { return (!mPendingAdditions.isEmpty() || !mPendingChanges.isEmpty() || !mPendingMoves.isEmpty() || !mPendingRemovals.isEmpty() || !mMoveAnimations.isEmpty() || !mRemoveAnimations.isEmpty() || !mAddAnimations.isEmpty() || !mChangeAnimations.isEmpty() || !mMovesList.isEmpty() || !mAdditionsList.isEmpty() || !mChangesList.isEmpty()); } private void dispatchFinishedWhenDone() { if (!isRunning()) { dispatchAnimationsFinished(); } } @Override public void endAnimations() { int count = mPendingMoves.size(); for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { MoveInfo item = mPendingMoves.get(i); View view = item.holder.itemView; ViewCompat.setTranslationY(view, 0); ViewCompat.setTranslationX(view, 0); dispatchMoveFinished(item.holder); mPendingMoves.remove(i); } count = mPendingRemovals.size(); for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ViewHolder item = mPendingRemovals.get(i); dispatchRemoveFinished(item); mPendingRemovals.remove(i); } count = mPendingAdditions.size(); for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ViewHolder item = mPendingAdditions.get(i); View view = item.itemView; ViewCompat.setAlpha(view, 1); dispatchAddFinished(item); mPendingAdditions.remove(i); } count = mPendingChanges.size(); for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { endChangeAnimationIfNecessary(mPendingChanges.get(i)); } mPendingChanges.clear(); if (!isRunning()) { return; } int listCount = mMovesList.size(); for (int i = listCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ArrayList<MoveInfo> moves = mMovesList.get(i); count = moves.size(); for (int j = count - 1; j >= 0; j--) { MoveInfo moveInfo = moves.get(j); ViewHolder item = moveInfo.holder; View view = item.itemView; ViewCompat.setTranslationY(view, 0); ViewCompat.setTranslationX(view, 0); dispatchMoveFinished(moveInfo.holder); moves.remove(j); if (moves.isEmpty()) { mMovesList.remove(moves); } } } listCount = mAdditionsList.size(); for (int i = listCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ArrayList<ViewHolder> additions = mAdditionsList.get(i); count = additions.size(); for (int j = count - 1; j >= 0; j--) { ViewHolder item = additions.get(j); View view = item.itemView; ViewCompat.setAlpha(view, 1); dispatchAddFinished(item); additions.remove(j); if (additions.isEmpty()) { mAdditionsList.remove(additions); } } } listCount = mChangesList.size(); for (int i = listCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ArrayList<ChangeInfo> changes = mChangesList.get(i); count = changes.size(); for (int j = count - 1; j >= 0; j--) { endChangeAnimationIfNecessary(changes.get(j)); if (changes.isEmpty()) { mChangesList.remove(changes); } } } cancelAll(mRemoveAnimations); cancelAll(mMoveAnimations); cancelAll(mAddAnimations); cancelAll(mChangeAnimations); dispatchAnimationsFinished(); } void cancelAll(List<ViewHolder> viewHolders) { for (int i = viewHolders.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { ViewCompat.animate(viewHolders.get(i).itemView).cancel(); } } private static class VpaListenerAdapter implements ViewPropertyAnimatorListener { @Override public void onAnimationStart(View view) {} @Override public void onAnimationEnd(View view) {} @Override public void onAnimationCancel(View view) {} }; private static final int AnimDuration = 500; @Override public long getAddDuration() { return AnimDuration; } @Override public long getRemoveDuration() { return AnimDuration; } @Override public long getChangeDuration() { return AnimDuration; } @Override public long getMoveDuration() { return AnimDuration; } }
That was easy!
You could change the class in such a way that you delegate animation setting and resetting step to further derived classes for more customization.
You could change the class in such a way that you delegate animation setting and resetting step to further derived classes for more customization.
Complete example can be found at
You wrote "Source for DefaultItemAnimator can be found here" but your pasted code extends from something else? :S